Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just Because It's Funny the First Time

The Doodle is getting into a habit that was funny last night, and annoying this afternoon. Last night, after My Hero put her to bed, we heard her rustling around downstairs, and a little later there was some really-and-truly crying. He went down to investigate; he found her in her room, in the process of changing her pajamas. We'd put her in a snap-up sleeper, and she'd shed it in favor of some fleece footie pants and top. Problem was, she couldn't get the top on. She was standing by her closet, crying, "It's too hawd f'me." Cutest thing ever.

Until just now, when I find her trying to put on a random assortment of clothing when she should be taking her nap. Bedtime tonight will include a short lecture on "why we don't get out of bed once we're put in it." And I think I'll put away her laundry this afternoon, too.

1 comment:

MomCO3 said...

There was a time when we had to put M in her footie-sleeper backwards so she couldn't undo the zipper and discard it (+diaper) in the night. Good luck with this one!